Men, unlike women, are more aroused by physical contact with women, by body parts. A woman's appearance is very important to them. Although the emotional component and the presence of a spiritual connection are important for women, they often turn a blind eye to physical imperfections. It is important for her to be sure that she is loved and that her partner will not leave her after sex. The excitement itself, the sexual desire, is part of the strongest instinct - the reproductive instinct.
Here everything is transparent, if a woman becomes pregnant, she will need the man's help while raising the child. And at this time, one man can fertilize countless females. It sounds cynical but that's the natureinstinctreproduction of the male line: leave as many healthy offspring as possible. Therefore, men's excitement has a simpler mechanism.
How does a man experience arousal?

It is not without reason that it is said that a man cannot reason rationally when there is a woman around who makes him agitated. He really started thinking worse at this time. Signs of sexual arousalfor men are:
- erection. Perhaps the most prominent and obvious expression. But an erection doesn't just happen when aroused, it can simply be due to a full bladder or a morning erection;
- Rapid pulseThanks to that, breathing also becomes more regular;
- Pupils dilated, the look becomes glassy;
- Changeoftentimbrehis voice became hoarse and breathless;
- Skin redness, the face may blush strongly;
Arousal may gradually increase if sexual intercourse does not occur immediately. But you should not drag out this game, otherwise the excitement will begin to subside or premature ejaculation will occur.
What exactly makes a man horny?
It seems that just undressing is enough and the man is ready. But everything is not so simple and the real excitement is the result of the combination betweenmany factors. Of course, one of them is that men should find a woman attractive.
He identifies this at some animal level.He was attractedher appearance, the timbre of her voice, her scent, her facial expressions, the plasticity of her movements. However, besides that, certain actions, a woman's body, and even the color of her clothes can make him crazy.
Stimulating action

There are actions by women that can fuel existing passions or even create new ones:
- A woman's willingness to surrenderalways and everywhere, but only with someone. The realization that the partner is easy-going and that such a treasure is only in his hands fuels the man's desire.
- Spontaneous caresses, a women's initiative. If she suddenly begins to caress him, and even in a place that is not entirely suitable for this, for example, in an elevator, then the man can completely lose his head.
- Sight. A man can really be attracted to a woman's inviting eyes as if to say, "Come to me, try to conquer me, maybe I won't mind. "
- Keep it new. Men are often excited about everything new. A new place to have sex, a new style of dress for his partner, her new perfume, her hairstyle.
- Stimulates erogenous zones. Men have less than women, but they still exist. In addition to intimate places, most often it is the back of the neck, ear lobes and abdomen.
- Wear sexy clothes. No matter what they say, men are attracted to certain clothes, even if they don't fit everywhere. These are mainly tight-fitting clothes made of thin fabric or leather, short shorts and plunging necklines.
- gait, in which hips sway and breasts jiggle is sure to excite men.
- Nice plasticdancegirls with beautiful bodies. Especially if she slowly undresses while doing it.
The female body and arousal
First of all, a man is awareoverall image, as the totality of all physical data. And if the image catches his attention then he will look at it and note the details. Looking at certain parts of the body has a special stimulating effect.
Most commonly thisbuttocks and breasts. Of course, there are people whose aesthetics are irritated by the ankles or ears, but this is rather a characteristic. What makes you more aroused is very individual, some may be more aroused by breasts and others may be aroused by butts. Many people are still aroused by their belly, not by abs but by a soft little tummy.
sexual position

Preference in postures dependscharacterin bed and how valuable a partner is.
- Missionary position. If this is sex between people who really miss each other then chances are the man will be more aroused by this position. This way, he can caress the woman's breasts, hair, face, and kiss her on the lips.
- Like a dogorlike dog. There is something animalistic about this position and this moment that makes men aroused during sex.
- Girl on top, both facing their partner and vice versa. At the moment of intercourse, the woman controls everything: the depth of insertion, the speed and the moment of stopping, all this depends on her, which is what makes this position special. And the scene that opens before a man will not leave him indifferent.
- Near the wall. There's something cinematic about this pose. Men love this position for its entertainment value, even though it itself is not very comfortable and the introduction is not maximal.
It's especially important that men like to see their partner during sex, so they prefer all positions where the details of what's going on are as clear as possible. And the lights must be on and the partner must be completely undressed.
What colors can excite a man?
A naked body will stimulate you right at the moment of sex. But before that, a man was interested in undressing a woman, first to her underwear, then completely. It's also importantwhat colorShe will wear toiletries and underwear.
When choosing underwear and clothes, women should know what excites men the mostred,blackAndpurplecolor of underwear and clothes. These colors promise a man experience and sensuality in bed. ONEwhiteAndbeigeThe color stimulates people who like very young, inexperienced girls.
Why are men aroused by women's breasts?

It's no secret that high and lush breasts attract most men. But if you think about it, what's so special about it, like why another part of the body doesn't work? From the perspectivebibliography- this is the biggest mystery, in other mammals, breasts increase only before feeding, and they do not attract males, but only cubs. And in sexually mature women, it always increases, and men react to this with excitement.
ReasonThere may be several:
- In women, the nipples and breasts are the strongestsensitive area, and men want to stimulate women by caressing their breasts.
- According to custom, people hide their breasts, and the forbidden fruit is sweet.
- Just people having sex in front of each other.
- What are breasts?distinguishmen and women and what is associated with feminine warmth.
- And most likely, this is the probleminstinctreproduction. The main purpose of the breast is to feed the newborn. And the woman's big breasts unconsciously told her that she would raise the child well. But to be honest, in reality this is not always the case, the amount of milk does not depend on breast size. This is what subconsciously attracts men. After all, the desire to have sex is the desire to continue the race, to leave descendants.